Table clock Hermle 22998-160352
From noble cherrywood this Hermle table clock 22998-160352 Made in Germany worked. A drawer is integrated in the front to store the winding key. This highlight in your living area is perfectly suitable for a free positioning in the room because the glass cover allows complete transparency and thus a free view of the clockwork. With this clock to place from the clock factory Hermle you will be inspired and convinced as a decorative element on a sideboard or the fireplace. With its high-quality optics, the Hermle table clock will be an eye-catcher in your interior and at the same time fulfills a practical use as a timepiece.
Enthusiasm through the art of mechanical watchmaking!
As a special feature Hermle table clock has a mechanical movement, completely without electricity, but only by 3 tension springs, which must be wound every 8 days, combined with a Westminster striking mechanism, this Hermle table clock will be your highlight in your living environment.