Movements from Hermle
Fascination - Movements!
A clockwork with right wheels and drives and its many components has always fascinated the beholder. BIG e springs with specific driving force relax after the lift in m & auml; chtigen spring drums and give strength to the last wheel -Ankerrad- free. There, the rotating movement is transformed into a back-and-forth motion. This technique requires adequate lubrication, which consumes itself over many years, due to the resulting friction. In addition, the round bearings become oval due to the force of pressure which stops the movement.
Clockwork - Maintenance and Revision
The watchmaker is able to replace the oval bearings, to reorganize the interventions of the tooth system and to re-establish the maneuverability in the form of a total revision. Economically, it is often more convenient to exchange the works. We offer you both the revision and the replacement of the clockwork cost-saving. On the back of the movement is the factory numbering with which you can simply order in our shop. If you have any questions, please contact your watchmaker Martin Pohlmann by e-mail at